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Scott Charles Adams' Blog

Archive for January, 2019

A Series of Unfortunate Maths

by on Jan.19, 2019, under Uncategorized

When I went to the liquor store this evening, I discovered that the BIG bottle of Jack Daniels was on sale.

375 ml of Jack Daniels generally costs me $14.00. This was 1.75 L for $40. For many long minutes I attempted to calculate my savings, but was thwarted by the fact that $14.00 does not divide evenly into $40.00 any more than 375 ml divides evenly into 1.75 L.

Eventually, I was forced to admit we do not currently have the technology for such mathematical acrobatics; and I bought the big bottle in the hopes that one day, history would prove it a wise purchase.

On another note, it’s entirely possible that watching “A Series of Unfortunate Events” has affected my writing style in a way that would have a detrimental effect on “The Vampire in the Trunk.”

In this case, “detrimental” means tending to cause harm.

And if you haven’t watched “A Series of Unfortunate Events” yet, you’ll just have to trust me. This shit was fucking hysterical.

In this case, “fucking” means very.

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